ICMM is pleased to introduce Kristen Greenaway as our new President. Kristen’s appointment marks an important moment in ICMM history, becoming the first woman to hold the Presidential role. Kristen is also President & CEO at Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, USA. 

A message from our new President:

Dear all,

I am extremely grateful for the support of ICMM’s General Assembly to be elected President of ICMM. It means a great deal, both personally and professionally. We have a lot to look forward to in the next year, leading to our 2024 Congress in the Low Countries of Europe. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible attending.

I would also like to take this opportunity to send sincere thanks to our previous president, Matthew Tanner, who led ICMM for 4 years, and spearheaded the creation of ICMM’s new partnership with Lloyd’s Register Foundation, a relationship that will help strengthen ICMM in many ways. Overall, a strong ICMM is good for the world!

Kristen L. Greenaway

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